STOP PIRACY, a non-profit association, provides educational and awareness campaigns to consumers and is very active in the cooperation between the authorities and businesses. In a world in which everything is being increasingly counterfeited, networking is important. The focus of the association’s work is therefore on the transfer of knowledge, cooperation and coordination between members of the federal administration and the private sector for the benefit of the public. In addition to the internal and external exchange of information, it focuses on jointly carrying out powerful and credible awareness campaigns.
Due to its membership structure, STOP PIRACY is politically neutral and cannot take sides in individual cases where law enforcement is concerned. STOP PIRACY adopts a public position by supplying facts and actively educating the public about counterfeiting and piracy.
Association members speak for themselves

“It is crucial for consumers to be actively informed about the dark underworld of counterfeiting and piracy. These efforts to raise consumer awareness would not be possible without the tremendous commitment of the members of STOP PIRACY.”

“Consumers that are well-informed don’t buy fakes – for 10 years now, STOP PIRACY has been showing the seamy side of counterfeiting and piracy and why there are ultimately only losers.”
Source: Stop Piracy

“For ten years now, all those with a stake in protecting intellectual property have been working together to defend creativity and innovation.”
Souce: ifpi

“Thanks to Stop Piracy, both consumers and traders are sensitised to the issue of counterfeiting and piracy. Because only the original counts for the members of the HANDELSVERBAND.swisss too”
Source: Stop Piracy

“It is now already ten years that STOP PIRACY has been helping to raise public awareness of the harm of counterfeiting and the harm it causes to the Swiss economy.”
Source: Stop Piracy

“We must all join forces in the fight against counterfeit medicines. STOP PIRACY has succeeded in uniting a group of strong allies in a common cause and has made a major contribution towards increasing awareness of the health hazards that counterfeit medicines represent.”

“Hands off illegal medicines – they have a shady past”: For Swissmedic, STOP PIRACY is THE platform for realising a shared commitment to stopping counterfeiting and piracy and, in particular, in the fight against the illegal online sale of medicines.”