Whoever stands out from the crowd with their products has always been the target for imitators and unauthorised users. The phenomenon of counterfeiting and piracy has assumed alarming proportions worldwide and even Swiss companies are increasingly becoming victims of counterfeiters – particularly in the European and Asian markets. Large corporations as well as small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) from all sectors of the economy are affected.
To ensure that you’re the one who profits from your innovations and creations – and not free riders – you must protect your intellectual property from counterfeiters and enforce your rights. The following pages will give you further information on protecting intellectual property:
- The website of the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) contains information on intellectual property.
- The SME-IPI information platform provides SMEs with specific information on protecting intellectual property and enforcing IP rights.
- The China IPR SME Helpdesk and the EU IPR Helpdesk assist SMEs with case studies, e-learning modules, webinars and information on protecting intellectual property in China and Europe.
- Follow us on Twitter (STOPPIRACY_CH) to stay up-to-date with issues concerning rights holders.
There are various options available to producers and rights holders for enforcing their intellectual property rights:
- In Switzerland, it’s possible to apply for assistance to the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS). This allows you to request that customs refuse the release of goods at the border crossing if there’s a suspicion that they infringe intellectual property rights in Switzerland. If the FOCBS withholds goods based on such an application, the rights holder has the option of obtaining preliminary measures within ten days through the responsible court. Application for assistance from the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security
Businesses can also make an application for action by the competent customs for the entire EU or selected European countries
Information from the European Commission